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Bambini Registration
Under 7 Winter Term


"*" indicates required fields

Dancer's Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Parent/Gaurdian Name*
Email Address*
Dancer's Email if Applicable
Le Stelle Alpine Italian Dancers have a web site on the internet that can be accessed at In order to protect the privacy of our membership under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, parent or adult dancer consent is necessary.

Website, social media accounts (ie Facebook) or promotional material are some of the communication tools we use to help our community learn more about our group.  These tools allow us to highlight our dancer's accomplishments.  We would like to place photographs of the dancers on our website and social media accounts.

I hereby authorize any images or video footage taken of my youth (under 18 years of age) or myself (if over 18 years of age), in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other images and video footage, to be displayed on the Le Stelle Alpine Website and other social media accounts, and to be used for media purposes including promotional presentations and marketing campaigns.

I waive rights to privacy and compensation, which I may have in connection with such use of my youth’s or my name and likeness, including rights to be written copy that may be created in connection with video production, editing and promotion therewith.

I am over 19 years-of-age and the parent or legal guardian of the youth dancer or an adult dancer myself, and I have read this waiver and am familiar with its content.
All costumes are owned by Le Stelle Alpine Italian Dancers. They are the property of Le Stelle Alpine Italian Dancers and are loaned to the dancers each year. Each costume has specific pieces. It is the dancers responsibility to properly care for the costume. The costume will be provided in a garment bag with the dancer's name on it.  Once you receive the costume for the year, you are required to provide Le Stelle with a non-dated cheque in the amount of $150.00 as a deposit. If you do not have a cheque, you will be required to provide a cash deposit.  At the end of the dance year, all costumes are to be dry cleaned and returned in full for inspection and then redistributed with an itemized list of pieces that are provided to each dancer. Your deposit cheque or cash deposit will be returned.  If there are any expenses for any damage, vandalism or loss of costumes, or accessories, your deposit cheque will be cashed or cash deposit will be deposited.  You are responsible to provide your own shoes, tights, tambourines, bloomers, and makeup accessories. These items can be purchased from Le Stelle Alpine. The cost of any non-national costume used for additional dance numbers will be at the expense of the dancer/parent.

At the request of LE STELLE ALPINE ITALIAN DANCERS the entire national costume must be returned dry cleaned with receipt and in good condition to receive your deposit back or your new costume.
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